AV directors and managers in higher education institutions have been purchasing, installing, and managing AV systems for decades. But technology moves on. Learning demands change. Distance learning and lecture capture that were once a ‘nice-to-have’ have become a ‘must have’, with a hybrid of on-campus/in-classroom and at-home lessons now the norm.
All of this means that existing AV systems are in need of a refresh. As an example, research shows the huge value of audio clarity in delivering academic excellence, but many AV systems fail to provide intelligibility, leaving students and instructors struggling to hear and frustrated by the experience. Lecture capture enabling the playback of classes for remote viewing is also often hampered by poor audio, while fussy, equipment can be stifling for both teaching staff and students.
As higher education institutions seek to attract and retain students, digital networked solutions enabling easy collaboration and learning will be differentiators. In the following pages, we look at the different scenarios for AV use in higher education and the solutions — both software and hardware — available.